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Author: Rob

Chosen by a Panel of Experts made up of Colour Designers, Trend Forecasters & Architects from around the World...

Here are my thoughts on a few products that should be considered in the design of Kitchen and Bathroom areas...

Ideal standard concept freedom bath. Come and view our multi generational bath at our showroom today...

Hidden brilliance since 1969 pioneered by ideal standard FirmaFlow®...

ROMAN – Refined Showering. A British Manufacturer that started in 1985 from Newton Aycliffe...

LIEBHERR - The Market Leaders in Refrigeration. Now can be viewed in our Showroom with an Introductory Discount...

Light Night in Town this year was a great buzz as previous years. With so many places to visit, I focused on Blackburn House, Tide & Time at the Oceanography Centre...

I am looking forward to IFB 2016 running from 13th June – 1st July. This event will provide Business opportunities, Seminars with Networking that will hopefully provide stimulation...