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A kitchen is more than just a collection of cabinets, electrical appliances and a sink.

It is a place where you cook and eat and live.
You can enjoy a new kitchen that is completely designed to your individual and personal needs.

Tailor made

Our Design-led Kitchens are manufactured in the UK. Following our client brief, we look for solutions to utilise the best use of space and can offer optional extras to provide your personalised design.

We can also offer a number of Freestanding & Integrated Appliance Brands, as either part of your Kitchen, or individually.

What makes us stand out from our competitors is our ability to supply replacement doors and work-surfaces on their own, without the need to buy a new kitchen. You can view many options in-store.


Inclusive Kitchens

A kitchen should be where food preparation and cooking is an enjoyment, a place where friends gather to catch up, and families sit down to hear about each other’s day.

It can however pose some inconvenient issues to some family members where safety and accessibility need extra consideration. Whether it is small children or someone with a physical or visual impairment, we at Cara believe it is important to take extra care when considering the design of a kitchen so that everyone can feel included in what is so often the family hub.


Contact Us

We hope you will try the Cara Experience. Feel free to call 0151 342 7442 or email your plans/ideas and we can arrange a no-obligation meeting to suit you.